Tuesday, June 27
01.30 PM - 06.00 PM
The Gardens of Marrakech
(Limited availability: first come / first serve)
In Islamic Culture, the garden is above all the essence of elements of Creation: Creation itself is a garden. The garden is at the heart of all the flowering Islamic civilization: beauty, mathematics, architecture, spirituality, poetry, botanic sensibility, hydraulics, biodiversity…
Explore the contemporary interpretation of the idea of a garden as you discover the worlds of Majorelle Garden, created by Jacques Majorelle and later restored by fashion designer Yes Saint Laurent and the world of ANIMA, the Return of Paradise, created by universal artist André Heller.
Two different concepts and 2 different interpretations of the magic of gardens.
Tuesday, June 27
02.00 PM - 05.30 PM
“The Souk El Attarine”
Spices and Fragrances
(Limited availability: first come / first serve)
Old cities in the Islamic world were often divided into segments based on what was sold - meat, leather, fabrics, metal and so on - and attarine (which means spice traders in Arabic), refers to the part of the market, that is dedicated to the world of spices and fragrances.
Connect with all your senses on 2 workshops that will provide a deeper dive into the world of spices and fragrances. Learn about the production, meaning, and impact of spices and fragrances in the Islamic world…
The world of saffron, turmeric and cumin.
The world of Agar, Oud and Amber, of White Musk, Orange Blossom Oil and Jasmine.
And of course the world of Argan Oil, the most indigenous product of Morocco.
Tuesday, June 27
01.00 PM - 05.00 PM
***SOLD OUT***
Tastes and Flavors of Morocco
(Limited availability: first come / first serve)
Moroccan food is a mix of many influences. As diverse as the spice mixes, the kitchen is a blend of Berber, Andalusian, and Mediterranean cuisines with hints of European and sub-Saharan influences.
You will not only learn how to cook Morrocan dishes but will be introduced to the world of spices and how to perfectly use them to elevate any recipe and sauce to the delight of you and your guests. You will also get an insight into how Morrocan cuisine uses seasonal products to enhance and refine the tastes and flavors or their iconic dishes like tanjine and couscous.
Terms & Conditions
Activities are subject to change
These activities are open to members and their registered guests.
Members and their guests that sign-up for the same activity will be assigned to the same group.
All off-site activities have limited space and are first come, first served.
There are no wait-lists for sold out activities.
For questions about off-site activities, please contact the Events Team at m.weisl@inspiria.net.