From Organizing Events to Creating Experiences
Our events are composed of thousands of individual pieces that come together to create a unique experience for your members. All the elements – no matter how large or how small – constitute an essential part of the overall experience. Together, they create the environment that embodies your mission - in every event set-up, in every menu that you taste, in every decoration that you see, in any gift that you receive, and in every person that you meet. It’s about the details and it’s about the understanding of what your organization and brand represents.
There are core values that your organization and our lifestyle events have in common. We take events to the next level by not only organizing events, but by creating experiences - incorporating these values to create tailor-made, lifestyle experiences around your mission and brand.
The Ferrari Lifestyle Experience: Italy
Internationally Awarded
To engage insurance brokers and introduce a new product line that redefines the approach of insurance policies. It is about overcoming the classical stereotypes of what an insurance product has to be and is traditionally about. But how do you transform insurance into a hip and exciting Lifestyle-Product that creates customer engagement on all levels?
The task of radically redefining how to market an insurance product from a necessity mindset to a lifestyle mindset required the assistance of one of the world’s premier lifestyle brands – Ferrari. Ferrari represents all the values that this new insurance product should stand for – a long history of strong company values and innovation, embracing modernity, design, competition and success – and all of that in an environment marked by style and zest for life.
Shot over 4 days in Italy, this video blurs the line of insurance and the Ferrari lifestyle, transferring the values and brand-recognition elements to this new insurance product. The end result fundamentally changed how these brokers identified, promoted and sold this new insurance product. Italy and Ferrari created a brand-new perception, transforming the average insurance into the Ferrari of Insurance Products!
Tango with the Unexpected: Buenos Aires
Internationally Awarded
Engage an international delegation of 450 entrepreneurs with a diverse array of off-site affinity, recreation, dining and leisure programs.
As our attendees are all business owners and their families, we sought to animate the history and culture of the region with a particular focus on entrepreneurial business activities. In addition to the social and educational program, more than 40 different off-sites were created to highlight the Argentinian diversity in culture, arts and business.
A selection of our once-in-a-lifetime programming included:
“Puertas Cerradas” introducing 17 entrepreneurial chefs to our attendees, engaging them in conversations that revealed how they had survived the economic collapse crisis of 2000-2001 by resourcefully tapping their culinary history.
“Tango Argentino” elevated Argentina’s great musical and dance legacy – the tango. Traditional performances were combined with an inspiria created Hip Hop Tango interpretation, showcasing the essence of the tango and its evolution in changing markets.
“The Life of Evita Perón” was used as a role model of what Argentinian lifestyle was and is about. inspiria created a special exhibition that not only celebrated her life but focused on the cultural understanding of what made her the controversial but still iconic figure that she was and still is. Understanding Evita’s life and lifestyle is key to understanding Argentinian culture.