Educational Travel has changed.

Traveler behaviors have shifted and the psychological imprint left in the wake of COVID-19 will reverberate in the alumni travel industry for years. Where does that leave the future of your travel program? How will you adapt to serve your alumni?

inspiria and our partners aren’t waiting for a return to ‘normal’…

Your institution is unique - why isn’t your travel?

This isn’t your cookie-cutter, off-the-shelf approach to travel… this is ‘TRAVEL WITH A PURPOSE’. Catered specifically to the mission, expertise, and global initiatives of your institution, ‘Travel With A Purpose’ is a customized approach - engaging alumni and donor travelers with a travel experience they can only find with you.

With multiple international awards and a $100 million dollar track record of donor contributions it is no wonder why our partners lean on ‘Travel With A Purpose’, now more than ever, to deliver a wholly unique travel experience. Connect with inspiria to discover what ‘Travel With A Purpose’ can mean to your travelers, their educational journey and their connection to your institution.